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Produce and Pesticides – Is eating organic really worth the hype?

According to the 2019 version of Canada’s Food Guide, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables every day is crucial to sustaining good health. In fact, it’s recommended that as much as half of your meal consist of colourful produce as they contain essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals that support immune function, digestive health and nervous system health – just to name a few. 

However, while there may not be a debate on the importance of eating fruits and vegetables, there’s certainly a lot of confusion when it comes to differences between the organic and conventionally grown varieties. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I’m often asked if there really is a difference and does it actually matter that much to our health? 

In short - yes. 

To fully appreciate why, let’s start by establishing the differences between organic and non-organically grown food.

It’s important to remember that all fruits and vegetables, regardless of how they’re grown are always a good choice no matter what. Deciding whether or not it’s worth it for your family to eat organic will depend on your own preferences, budget and health situation. 

Organic options are now available in almost every grocery store but there are also a few other ways to help make the transition easier if eating organic is important to you:

Grow your own food. It’s amazing how much food you can grow even in the smallest of spaces in no time at all!

Buy Local. Here in the BC interior we’re incredibly fortunate to have access to so many amazing local farms and farmers markets where we can find some of the best and most inexpensive produce available anywhere. 

Shop in Season. The price of produce – no matter how it’s grown – can vary depending on the season. For the best price and highest quality fruits and veggies, try to choose those that are currently in season.

Buy in Bulk and Preserve it. Canning, freezing, drying and fermenting can help keep costs down and preserve the freshness in your favourite produce all year round. It takes a bit of time and patience but is definitely worth it when winter rolls around.

Choose Your Organic Produce Wisely. In truth, not all conventionally grown produce uses the same amount of pesticides and herbicides in their production process. While some rely heavily on chemical aids to ensure high yields, there are others that use significantly less and, therefore, pose a much lower risk. Known as “The Dirty Dozen” and “The Clean 15”, these lists of vegetables are an excellent starting point for anyone interested in exploring their organic options. 

Making good dietary choices is important for everyone's long term health. While organic produce has some significant advantages, simply eating a variety of fruits and vegetables should always be the priority no matter where you may get them.



Nutritional quality of organic foods: a systematic review   The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

EWG’s 2020 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15  Environmental Working Group (EWG)


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